Winter continues & school started

Another winter storm goes over the Midwest. We were supposed to go hunting today with other JRT friends but we canceled because of the ugly winter. It is dark and gloomy. Frozen ice and rain, frosty trees bending again, some areas in St. Louis don't have power at all (I hope we won't be out), with temperatures of maximum 33F, and worse to come tonight. I really do not like this winter!

School started Monday January the 8th, and this semester seems more crowded than the last one. I teach Monday & Wednesday mid day the undergraduates, and Monday & Tuesday evening the graduates, and my C++ classes are Tuesday & Thursday early afternoon. Friday I don't teach and that means I cam camp out at the elementary school in Alton to do my research. Very busy and crowded this semester, I think of dropping the C++ class, it will be really hard to keep all straight. I started this year and semester with full load and already I am behind...

I am sorry for Taylor I will be again so much at school and so busy and she will have to stay alone. I will be in and out and most in front of my computer. She will take agility Wednesdays evening as a modality to compensate.

I will teach summer school till end of June. I am looking forward to July my real and first summer vacation in years! Just six months around the corner :-)