Reading 12

Until now you have asked nothing in My name. 
Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.

John 16:24

I was talking about faith, and trust that if I ask something that might be given to me. Search and you will find, knock and it shall open, ask and you will receive. Faith is not a constant (like a precious stone - which once you got it will last forever); faith is like a fire (which needs to be maintained with fuel to keep burning; and once is out you need to start the fire once again).

Then asking only does not guarantee the receiving! Perhaps that is the hard part in all the faith. We ask, and expect to receive, but receiving is sometimes "yes," and sometimes "no," while other times is a "may be..."
What makes faith be weak: despite the "not receiving" to keep the confidence that it will become true!

There is an entire section of psychology: positive thinking. That focusing on the positive thoughts and imagining that which we desire, the wish comes true, the thinking of it will bring it into reality.
Isn't that in fact the faith?! Thinking of what you wish despite not receiving, imagine the object of your wish in most detail and strive and do all possible to bring into reality what you think about.

It really cannot go bad way,since if your positive thinking keeps your hopes up there will always be a tomorrow.
Losing the hope, gets you to losing your faith in the possibility of tomorrow, that is: losing even the possibility.

Reading 11

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, 
And lean not on your own understanding; 
In all your ways acknowledge Him, 
And He shall direct your paths.

Proverbs 3:5, 6

Is not easy to have faith, since faith means trusting in things that I don't understand. 
Only looking back I have a better awareness of why events happened, and why sometimes outcomes were not what I expected. Is not easy to let go, since letting go means giving up control; and I like to be in control, to plan and lead my life as I think is good. 
But there were times when as much as I pushed forward, or pulled harder and harder, the outcomes were not in my wanted direction.

I learned the hard way -- many times -- looking back, now I see it was better that way.
Even if so painful in that point in time.

Trust in God and have faith.
So easy to say. 
So complicated to be.

Oh, so many times I knew what I need to do, but did not listen to what I was told.
As I get older (wiser?) seems that I am more in tune with divine suggestions. 
I listen more.

Still, so hard to have faith, and not rely on my understanding.