Reading 9

No, I did not forget about writing... Actually I decided what to write about since three weeks ago!
Only that should be a sign of what I am writing about, and what it means.
Here it goes:

Luke 9: 59-62

And He said to another, "Follow Me." But he said, "Lord, permit me first to go and bury my father." But He said to him, "Allow the dead to bury their own dead; but as for you, go and proclaim everywhere the kingdom of God." Another also said, "I will follow You, Lord; but first permit me to say good-bye to those at home." But Jesus said to him, "No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God."

This discussion might have gone like this:

Hey Jesus, your ideas are so cool. I am waiting for a lifetime to follow my dream but never got the guts. Once I followed a dream and got to say good-bye at home, but now I have old parents and must care for them, they don't live forever and it comes a time when I will need to bury them. But boy, once I am free for sure I will follow my childhood dream!

And then Jesus said:

You took the risk and followed your heart, but you always felt so guilty. There is a time for everything! There is a time to dream, and there is a time for action. But when the time is gone no one can return it. 

When I was six I dreamed of having a ranch with a red barn and horses in Texas. 
I grew up watching John Wayne and cow boys movies. I loved tremendously horses, but never had the money to buy one. I was heart broken seeing a neighbor using and abusing his horse by making him pull the over-sized and over-loaded carriage and never cleaning, brushing, or really feeding that horse. I was complaining to my Mom each time I saw that horse going up and down our street. 
As a kid my Mom and I had a saying "When I will have very many money, I will....." and then we were adding whatever we would like to do with the money. My wish like a blueprint of my entire childhood and adolescence was "When I will have very many money, I will have a ranch in Texas, with a red barn and lots of free roaming horses, and cows, and dogs, and cats....."
Some more than forty years later that dream is still alive and well. The only difference is that now I know I will never have so much money to have the ranch, and I will never have the ranch!

Here today Jesus would say:

 "If you never dare to dream, if you never follow your most wildest dream, it will never be!"

I changed careers, and places, and jobs, but not that dream.
I hope, after death, I will roam free among wild horses (if they will still be!).