I was going 35Ml/h and from the woods she run across the road right in front of my car. When I saw her I pushed the brakes, but it was too late... For a moment I looked into her eyes and saw her jump over my car.
I ended up on the shoulder with the front and driver's side windshields crashed, the driver's mirror broken completely.
Two guys in a pick-up truck coming from the opposite side stopped right away, they saw the deer crashing into me. Fortunately she run into the woods, no blood or skin signs on my car. They said the deer must have stepped right across the mirror and front windshield in her jump over the car. They said I am very lucky I did not got hurt.
I am desperate.
My car was towed and who knows when it will be repaired. I bet I won't have a car for Christmas... This was missing, my home in the middle of the nowhere, no bus, no friends to give me a ride. I know there is Entreprise, I will avoid as long as possible, cancelling all meetings.
Geico covers repairs but after a 500$ deductible. I was hoping to manage in equilibrium my too many loans, keeping my house daytime 58F and night time 50F. Doing groceries every other week, eating less, and loosing weight. Trying to save to pay loans and bills.
This is the worst Christmas ever.
Those guys might have been right. I am glad I am not hurt or sick, which would make it even worse. Thank God I have only a car towed and not myself in hospital also.
I do not know why this happened. I hope the deer is not hurt badly, the guys run into the woods to see if she is not hurt there, they did not see her. I hope she will be OK. I have no clue how I will pay the car repairs. Loans over loans, debts on top of other debts.
How and when I will get out of this pit?
I am so sorry for the deer. We people took their habitat. We are not supposed to drive into their forests, even if the road goes by there!
She looked so scared, perhaps she saw in my eyes the same terror when from her point of view I jumped with my car in front of her!