Since the Sunday when I was run over by the deer (the more I think and tell my story the more obvious is that deer just run me over, she crossed the road jumping on my car and running into the woods), I was home 24/24. Taylor was very happy to have me all for herself. Tonight I noticed that I watch, or better said I am aware when I watch the News! I don't usually have the patience to watch TV (just TV) but for some reason I tune in when are the News.
Perhaps after these ten days of News I realize that most of news are "bad news." Someone died somewhere, bombs, cars blown out, houses in fire, pets lost, abuse, deadly accidents, and goes on. Even the weather is gloomy and bad! More than that I started to see if they find anything new.... No way, three times/day the exact same news. Why is that? I bet there are so many bad and good news they could fill three times the time. Why then repeating it? Even different channels have the same news over and over.
I think I realized this when today the News showed a golden coind wrapped in a 100$ bill that was dropped in a Salvation Army red bucket. And someone else has dropped other golden coins for Salvation Army. For some reason that news made me aware of the type of all the rest, these ten days. It was so good to hear a good news I had tears in my eyes.
It seems the bad news attracts more interest than the good ones. We people want excitement, tough and/or shoking information, all the bad news is more obvious, catching our interest and attention. But when it comes about us, we want to have ONLY good news to share. Perhaps the bad news we get from media helps us feel better about ourselves. Happiness as unhappiness come from comparison! If I have all the bad info in this world I will be glad I am still alive and well. If I get all good news about other ones, I will feel a looser.