We got home and in another hour it started snowing...
10AM I had to leave to school and it was hard to see, it was snowing and it was windy. I did not drive even half a mile and I ended up on the shoulder. I was able to drive myself up back on the road and continued carefully driving.
After 4 more miles at 30ML/h, I ended up again on the steeper shoulder, this time even driving back and forth I was not able to go back on the road. I was waiving to drivers in the hope someone will stop. I guess everyone was really late and not having time to stop or being afraid of. Finally a guy with a pickup truck stopped. He tried to maneuver the car out, but not with success, the shoulder was too slippery. Another guy stopped to help us. Driving and pushing we managed between the three of us to get the car back on the road and going.
I had my first baptism in the IL snow.
I got to school late, but was not the only one :-)
By the time I got home in the afternoon 3PM we had 10 inches of snow on the streets.
This is the first winter with real snow for Taylor, and first for me since winter 2000!
Everything is covered with white fluffy snow.
It's like another town... like extreme makeover. Before and.... after....
Oh, how I miss Tucson! I am frozen outside, in the house is just a little better ...
Friends tell me "beginnings are difficult, it will be better in other three years when you will have less debts"...
I started my new calling in 1994... and now I have to hope for better in other three hard years...
I'll be old by then. But the choice has been taken, now I have to live it.
Time cannot be turned back, even if outside now is like in the land of dreams (ginger bread houses still missing :-0) there is no way we can turn back time.
I wish I could be back now on April 2005, before I made the choice, but January 2006 is around the snowy corner.
April 2005 was the "before"... now I live the "after."
This was a month ago, the "Before" ....

And today here is the "After".....
...trees are like roots. Big, old, and strong deeply rooted in the sky.

Only the wind and snow flakes swing by....

....does anybody care for a skinny dipping? :-)