Today I talked to or got e-mail messages from friends telling me that I was lucky I have only a damaged car and it was not the end of me! Some other people got worse from a deer hit.
I know I was lucky, I did not have even my air bag blowing off. I was driving slow and that was my luck.
Perhaps God wanted me to enjoy the winter :-) or see how it is to be without a car.
Today I did thank God for protecting me!
I even do not want to imagine what would have happen if I would have been injured and in a hospital.
Taylor my little JRT alone home waiting for me to come... no one here to help me out. All my friends back in Tucson, Buffalo, or over the Ocean...
I realized how much I rely on God's help here!
Luckily I did the groceries after Church yesterday (since I was half way close to the store in that direction) so I have food for a week. If I run out then there is a gas station with a mini-market for bread and milk. The Police officer gave me a ride home with all my groceries. God bless him!
As for the unexpected car expenses ... I have no clue from what I can cut anymore.
Beginnings are always difficult, like any birth which is painful.
I just wish this birth process that started 1994 would end now! It is more than 11 years.
But if I see the bright side of it, then I am glad I am not immortal. Thank God I will not live forever! Can you imagine struggling for an eternity?! God will guide me out from this pit. He always helped me in hard times, each time I got closer to Him.
Might be all happened because I forgot the "Reason for the Season" and got too caught up in buying and sending presents when I am so short in money. God now shacked me up, woke me to reality! I am sure next year I will pass all gift making.
I am lucky! I am in good health, have a home to stay in, have food to eat.
In the end this Christmas is the best, is the closest to how Jesus came into this world: in cold winter time, no car, no bus, little food, bringing the JOY to the world.