It is for the first time I dressed the regalia as a teacher, not as a student.
I am for the first time aware that I am a Ph. D.
I enjoyed in a different way the graduation ceremony at SIUE.
Remembering the days of my graduation...
My graduation, my friends present there, the lunch to my favorite restaurant Sweet Tomato :-) and then dinner at Black Angus.
My dear Sha giving me the official name log with the PhD. which stands today on my office desk. Sha, my foster mom, took place of my real Mom who could not come to my graduation.
Ingrid knowing I won't bother to cook presented me with a Crock Pot. I use it now :-) I love it.
I was so blessed to have Sha, Betty, Carol, and Ingrid there to celebrate one more accomplishment in my life.
Today I look at the line of students and teachers in their regalia here at SIUE, I remember last December, and smile... Professor Sabers hooding me whispered: "Have a big happy smile."
I really hope I will be able to keep for many more years that smile in my heart!