Today I had a very special visit: Professors Ron Gentile and Kay Johnson-Gentile (his wife) from Buffalo, NY. Professor Gentile was one of my loved teachers at UB, who followed my path, advised, and supported my work.
Dr. Kay Gentile is the sweeetes friend anyone could ask for, she kept me in her prayers and encouraged me in hard times.
They stopped at my house for a little bit in their way from Tucson, AZ to Buffalo, NY. Funny that after planning for so long that they will go to Tucson, they visited Tucson right after I moved away. I am glad they loved AZ and Tucson. It was so special to talk about UB and Tucson and have these common grounds. I feel so honored to have one of my former professors visiting me!
Professor Gentile looks the same as I know him, perhaps more relaxed and laughing that now he learned how to enjoy the time off, not feeling guilty for being in retirement. It was such a special day, so special joy to see both of them again. We reminisced about old times, hopes, accomplishments, and future plans. Such a long way from UB, via UA, to here at SIU-Edwardsville. What is next? That is in God's hands!
More than anything else, meeting my Professor, remembering, just being again his grad student, and looking back at the road bringing me all the way here makes me give thank to God. My dreams are accomplished, even if not the perfect way I dreamed about, but the goals are reached. What next?
Keep going, working, fighting, dreaming, hoping... sky is the limit.
Today I am who I am and where I am thank to God and my professors. It means they did a good job at that time when I was their student. Above all, God's hand was over me, guiding, helping, protecting me.
Thank to ALL!