My EPFR315 students :-)

I do enjoy the midterm on blog.
I really hope my students enjoy it also :-)
It is much more reading for me, since along with the postings each student had to post 4 comments on other classmates' blogs.

What I found interesting is that I gave them the two options (paper vs. blog) and only 2 (two) choose to do the paper version. One of them choose almost all reference sources as "Wikipedia". Oh, Goodness..... No points for those sources... :-(

Between those who did the blog I have some very poor (should I say "free style"?), but some are really good and I am very pleased. I think the good ones would have a good paper also. Compared to the quality of written papers of last year I found that the blogs are much better quality. I asked them to post a minimum of 500words/topic (6 topics). They choose the blog because the APA style paper should have been 10-15 pages. They were afraid of the length of paper and the best blogs are way beyond the 20 pages of a APA style midterm.
Isn't that something?

The purpose was to think about the theory, make a reflection, and show that they know how to apply the theory in practice. I really hope the goal was accomplished. Also I wanted to make sure they know what a blog is since the students they teach most of them have their own myspace blogs.

Since it is now Spring break I asked in the last day of class to give me feedback if they would like to modify the style of our classes after the break. They like the way it is, but want "more food" :-)
I used to take pretzels and candies to teach about behaviorism. I was surprised to have almost half of them asking for my minilectures (they say it makes them see the big picture and understand better), last semester they complained that they do not like lectures. Perhaps I have to settle for a middle of the road lecture. No longer than 30 minutes followed or preceded by the class activities.
I think the final exam will be a blog assignment also. I already gave the graduate group their assignment. Comprehensive exam on the blog, each topic from 2-3 chapters of the text (and they can connect the topic to other chapters as well). They were kind of scared of the blog. They will do good.

What a blessing to have two good groups. Thank God!