I feel this semester, because of the blog assignment for the midterm, I had no questions of "why did I get ... points and not more?" I think this is because what my eyes see all other 28 students' eyes in the class can see.
As you remember I asked them as part of their midterm assignment to post the exam on blog, and also they had the 4 comments to be posted on 4 different colleagues' blogs.
This way they learn from each other, and they are also able to compare their production with other students in class.
Next, for the final exam I gave each students a different question. The same 4 different comments need to be posted. So each student will learn about 5 topics. Isn't that great?
I tested this last semester with grad students doing paper exams, and then critiquing one other paper ( I had a small class and all critiques were anonymous to control their bias, no one knew what topics each has to write on - now hope they did not talk to each other about that). So it is possible to do it on paper also, but the blog is easier and I think much faster since students started already posting, and in consequence making already comments. And since I try to keep up with all of them, I give them constant feedback after each of their postings (I use bloglines). This way those who start early have the opportunity to improve their presentation for the final. Of course I gave last semester the opportunity for the paper exam also (it's interesting they did not take advantage of my feedback as in the blog exam - I suppose they started writing late in the semester close to deadline).
I experience technology being a wonderful helper in my teaching.
And I really enjoy it! But don't ask me how much more time it takes me. Every morning and evening I check my bloglines account and give feedback to postings. I always have someone to give comments. More work for me, but I hope they learn more also.