It is one year today since I moved here in this hot and humid beautiful place :-)
I remember last year how small and remote Edwardsville looked after coming from Tucson.
Today driving home from doing my groceries I smiled thinking that I got used to drive the 12ML between the corn fields, watching the black cows, and now waiting patiently for the water in the lake to raise again to normal level. Not too much rain here, feels like Tucson (but much humid, like in monsoon time).
Taylor loves the green grass and to swim in the lake. We don't love the humidity! Today is a very hot 96F with 63% humidity, makes 107 heat index (must be like in Hell), feels much worse than 110 F in Tucson. I stopped to buy peaches from a farmer, he will have corn, tomatoes, and peppers soon. I love my house, I love to live here out in the corn fields... In this past year I made friends with my neighbors (dog walking ladies). Kids on my block know Taylor, and they say "Hi Taylor's Mom" :-)
My across door neighbors just moved to Kansas City, someone else moved in this past Monday, but I did not see them home. A new beautiful house was built on my street. Of course the big dent in front of my house was not repaired yet, and I found another handy man to fix my electric problem, and I put myself the reinforcers in my closets. I did not find yet a handyman to fix the gutters... Since it does not rain I really don't need gutters.
It's hard to think I am in my house for one full year, but it is true. This is the dream accomplished. I cannot complain. Slowly I got used to SIUE and my disappointments were alleviated (partially). I am very busy, couple of deadlines, and 52 take home exams to grade.
Tonight we go with Jo Ann (Molly's mom) to State Fair ( a musical at SIUE), then Sunday we go on the lake with Sandy and Jerry's boat, then all have dinner. God has blessed me with good neighbors.
It takes time to feel home. It is good to be home!
Life is good! :-)