Many would say that people who have dogs are friendlier than the rest. But then those who have cats are friendly with cat people, and those who have birds, and the "fish tankers" also are friendly with other fish owners. So, I would be biased against all kind of pet owners if I would say that different categories or only certain type of pet owners are friendly. Farmers when they meet farmers are friendly too, and teachers when meeting other teachers are friendly also.
Yes, you got it, it is all about commonalities. What are the common things we can connect from the first moment that gives us the feeling of being "friends".
I am happy to hear someone is from Europe, and very excited to hear Hungarian, Romanian, or French speaking people :-) they are "my kind" because I understand them and have something in common before knowing anything else about them. Did you ever travel abroad? Did you ever get excited when let's say you were in Rome, or Paris and you heard someone speaking English, American English...? How happy were you? Didn't you feel that that person, you never met before, is your best friend! :-)
Taylor opened for me doors to many people's hearts. Here my best friends are dog people.
Here Taylor with her boyfriend :-) Trevor. They were in obedience and agility classes together. She loves Trevor, even if she does not meet him too often these days, Trevor is already in advanced competition class, Taylor still repeating the beginning agility. It's not the dog, is the handler - we do not have the obstacles yet, so we practice with Trevor's agility course (and Terri) from time to time. Trevor will compete in two weeks in agility. We will go to cheer for him!
I dream of a time when we can take our dogs everywhere! Till then we dog people connect from the first words. We recognize each other by our dogs' names. As my mail man... We met in front of Petsmart, but he did not recognize me, but he did recognize Taylor - who barks ferociously when he "takes something out of our mail box!" Then we laughed that he did not see me but only Taylor! And kids on my street know my name "Taylor's mom" - they forget my real name but they don't forget Taylor's name.
We, dog friendly people :-)
The weather is not dog friendly at all.
Daytime 99F heat, 83% humidity, and 112F heat index; night goes down to 78F.
Wednesday prognosis 100F and Thursday 101F!