Happy Independence Day America!
Independence is very important and close to my heart, it has also a very special meaning for me.
Independence carries the hopes of my grandparents in the time of Second World War. They waited for the Americans to come and free them from Hitler and his army, but instead the communist came over like a pest.
Then they waited for the Americans to come and free us from the communists... but the communists took all their properties, kicked my father out of school, and never gave a chance to my mother to continue her studies. My grandparents longed and died waiting for Independence.
My father could never forgive and forget the communists, they took his family's belongings, his father and father-in-law both died shortly after the communists forced them to give away their property. They were just hard working middle class people, they did not have big fortune, but with what they had they could afford schooling for their children. Once the communists took it all my grandfathers died both of heart attack, they just could not bear the pain and sorrow. My father never went to college, even though he had excellent potential. The communists took it all, they took his future.
I grew up learning a history from the history books in school, and another history told by my parents and trusty elders. I grew up fearing that my Dad will end up in jail because he was often swearing at the communist party and all communists. I grew up in fear each time he was not coming home from work in time... We did not have a phone at that time, so each time when he was late Mom and I were praying that he would not be taken by the Militia for swearing and talking badly about communism.
I grew up listening to the Voice of America, and Europe Free broadcasting on the radio, and feeling the luckiest to be able to listen in both languages Hungarian and Romanian. Looking forward to hear news from America, the Land of Independence and Dreams Come True.
I grew up going to church in secret because each holiday we the young communist pioneers had to go to activities not to church. How it hurt my Dad to see the red tie around my neck, the symbol of those who killed his Father... but we had to comply, for fear...
I grew up admiring America and being completely amazed when I first saw a one dollar bill and written on it "In God we trust." That really was the land of dreams come true if they could write the name of God on their currency bills.
I grew up having a dream, since I was six, to have a ranch in Texas :-)
I grew up with the dream of being a fugitive; to run away from the country and never look back, to run away from the communists, but never dared to do it because I was the only child and was too worried to leave my parents behind to the "mercy" of communists.
I grew up having a dream of Independence!
I grew up dreaming of and admiring America!
Before I came to America I was told that I will have a cultural shock. I never had, I felt from the first day like the right fish in the right pond :-) I felt like coming home.
And here I am... my dream came true. I am in America, the land of God, the land of opportunities and real dreams, the land of Independence! I love this country in a way I never could love the place I was born in and where I grew up. This country is the dream of my grandparents, and parents, and the dream of my childhood. I would give my life for this country. America welcomed me and gave me the opportunity to realize all that I dreamed of, and even more than I dared to hope for... I accomplished the dreams of my grandparents, the dreams my Father never had the chance to accomplish, and I accomplished through hard work more than I dared to dream!
I accomplished the dream of Independence!
No matter where I will go in this world I will belong to this land of God.
Americans are so blessed, but many don't realize that. Independence is so precious, it is a dream come true. The best dream ever!
God bless America!