There are also other kind of "horses" that do not race, and do not even work hard...
I am wondering if the racehorse will ever understand the backyard horse who walks at leisure slowly moving his little carriage. Will the racehorse ever wonder how can the other one be so slow and not even care?
OK, I do ask myself how in the world can someone not care about the work on which depends its future? I might be passionate about my work, or perhaps I really take it too serious... I don't mind spending numerous hours in doing my research, working lots of late nights to keep it going, and I really cannot understand how someone wants to get far without any effort. It is perhaps because I saw my parents work hard for all that they accomplished. It is because I worked very hard to accomplish my dream, and perhaps I think that there is not easy way to get to the goal but by working hard.
I still have 5 kids to test that is other 3 days after teaching. I can say that my research was "tones of time" since I am slowly to child 76 and each testing is 55 minutes. Just to go there it takes 40 minutes one way. Many many hours, many days, many miles driven, and gas spent... This is my race and I run it in the hopes that I will be a winner.
You know, I am sure that the racehorse must wonder how in the world can the other one be so slow and even don't care :-)
Thank you Scott for giving me a good name, glad I am not barn sour!