Last night we did not sleep too much, she woke up every other hour to throw up and go to bathroom having diarrhea.
I chose Dr. Olsen as her doctor because he cares for his own emergency patients. I never thought I will use it but this morning at 8AM I did called him. And Dr. Olsen called me back in 2 minutes (I think his cabinet phone is connected to a pager). He advised me to just give her ice cubes or water and keep an eye on her.
Taylor sleeps powerless, shivers from time to time, and cries in pain like a little sick puppy. I feel so helpless and I can't do anything else but keep her in my lap to comfort her. She did not even move when finally I got hungry and went to the kitchen to have lunch. Other times she was right there just hearing my steps going towards the kitchen. Now she rested between the warm blankets. I feel so helpless... and I think this is how many mothers with small babies must feel when the baby is sick. Babies as dogs/animals cannot tell you what is wrong, where it hurts, what they feel. What a Mother's Day...
A couple of weeks ago I read an article (I don't remember if in the news paper or in Time magazine or on the web?) about the importance of pets in women's life. "Many women dog owners see their dog as their child" and "many women would date their dogs if they were men."
Taylor definitely is my child and companion. Many psychological studies show the benefits of pets for depressed and elderly people. I know Taylor keeps my life in equilibrium. The fact that I feel happy today is in part due to having Taylor in my life. I am never alone.
She lost weight, she is "pale" (those who have a dear pet know what I mean), and I feel so helpless not being able to help her more. She threw up an hour ago (nothing since she did not even drink water), I'll wait a little more, if she throws up again Dr. Olsen said to call him back. Poor Taylor... and tomorrow I start summer classes and must leave to school 7Am and after that I have some meetings till 3PM. I think I will take her with me in case she gets worse I will just cancel all meetings and take her to Dr. Olsen.
Prayers are welcome.