I started my research last semester and continued it this semester. Each day when I had some free time I drove to the elementary school I conducted my reaserch with K and 1st graders. Since it takes me a good hour (even if there are only 35 Ml) to get there I worked very slow in this semester but I speeded up with daily full day work in this short break between Spring and Summer semesters. This morning I drove as usual 8Am to possibly finish (since in a full day 8:30AM to 2:30PM I can work with a maximum of 5 children, due to their lunch break) but the kids had today Play Day! The secretary has forgotten to tell me yesterday that I will not be able to work today.
That is bad enough since I start from Monday to teach 8-11:15AM and even if I leave right after my class I can get there just to test two children 12:30 to 2:30PM. School will be over soon.
I appreciate all the help the Principal and teachers gave me, I appreciate the goodness and trust of parents who agreed to have their children participate in my study. When I started I did not think it will be so much time and effort invested in this. Lot of time, money on the Lego toys I use, money on the pictures I made for the Picture books, money on gas, driving, treats to kids, my time added in the nights to catch up with what I did not do in daytime :-) But I still love it! I come from a school where I was taught the value of quantitative research! Even when I do qualitative I must measure something, transform observations into numbers, compare and evaluate. My colleagues laugh at me how I want to do qualitative research. But that is how I think: I use numbers, I measure, and compare!
My other research I work with a colleague (since I need a second rater) might become two different projects. I think I completely scared him when I presented him what I need and want him to do. Got today a phone from him telling me that what was my idea would take him to rate "tones of time!" and he does not have time since is preapring to travel to Greece in vacation in two weeks. So, I'll let him do what he will want and that will be one project. I'll do my stuff and that will be a study.
I love it! Now in the coming weeks I will run after courses to the elementary school to continue and hopefully finish my study after more than half of year since I started it.
Wish me luck to get something out of it! With numbers... never know if the results will be statistically significant or not.