I was in college when I first saw a computer and typed my first doc.
I was always curious to know what is inside and how it works... of course since I am an engineer (even if a Civil Engr.).
At U of A I had my good friends at the computer lab, Michael and Rich. Michael was teaching me about how to use different programs, and Rich was teaching me what is inside the computer, where do wires go, how to open and change a card in the computer, how to add extra memory. Today since they are so far away I still e-mail and call them when I get in trouble and need advice. But slowly I learn and I hope I can stand on my feet, if for not else at least for learning how to ask the good questions :-)
I am learning how to download my videos from my mini DV camera. I got a firewire, then I discovered that I do not have the required plug on my computer. Bought from Radioshack the card, installed it. Downloaded my video. Remembered Michael once told me that I need to burn the video on DVD-R. Got that also from Office Max. Here I am ready to burn my first video little movie. What I discover? I think I can burn CDs with my burner but not a DVD. I don't know for sure but I really suspect that since each time I try to burn the video I get an error that I do not have a disk in the E: drive.
I really suspect I need more up-grading on my computer. The DVD part of my computer is only to play videos not to burn one :-(
Next step: do I buy a new computer or do I update it? Since now I know how to open and manage a computer, the later seems easier and cheaper :-)