I am still cold - especially that it's a max of 34F and snow - but I tell myself it could be even worse. I enjoy the classes I teach this semester - and hope my students enjoy it too!
I continue my project with K-2 kids, which is lot of fun. And will start Japanese and drawing classes :-) along with Taylor's obedience class, and my weekly 1h swim. I finally consider that fun and work must be in balance. Life needs to be enjoyed in order to perform your best. Amazingly I am more productive than when I felt disappointed and bitter.
Perhaps because of my contentment I can be open to others' needs also.
When I read for the first time the Bible I asked my Mom how it comes that all the most important decisions and messages were sent by God in a dream, and why God does not speak anymore to people in our dreams? My Mom told me that God still speaks but it is us, the people, who do not listen anymore. Of course I smiled in disbelief at that time.
Last week I had some very scary nightmares related to a friend I did not kept in touch for a very long time. First I told myself my dream was related to a movie I saw the night before. But night after night I continued to have scary and weird dreams involving this lost friend. Finally I have sent a short e-mail - not even knowing if the e-mail address is still valid or not. Mostly I sent that e-mail like a message in a bottle dropped in the Ocean. The response came fast: my lost friend goes through a very tough time, very distressed, needing my prayers.
So, God still speaks in dreams, we just have to be at peace with ourselves, to be in a contentment state, to move the focus from us to Life... and then we can hear God.