I also learned how to write in Hiragana: a, i, u, e, o.
I love it!
Domo arigato!
Our teacher Shachiko is a native Japanese. She does not know well enough English to teach us in a professional manner. She told us this is her very first time she teaches Japanese. I love her and am glad that she is not one of those professional teachers who go at light's speed with us.
Japanese is so different, especially when I learned I have a minimal basic 2,000 characters to be learned (if I ever would think of reading a magazine, book, or dream about writing a short letter). It is completely frightening. Nothing like learning French or English!
I really love it. I just wish I had more time to learn. But in 10 classes (of one hour each) I will be able to start the learning process. Then the rest... is just keeping up the work and going to the next time they offer Japanese classes.
I dream about visiting Japan in the future. OK, might be a very far future... but hope it will be in this life :-)
Sayonara, ogeNkide.