Yesterday I had over Laurie's children (another faculty in my department we both teach Educational Psychology courses), Luke 12 years of age, and Maggie 8 years. And Taylor had Oliver (their dog) as playmate.
The two dogs had a blast they played till they fall tired. Then Oliver who is three times as big as Taylor tried to squeez into Taylor's little bed, Oliver seemed to not mind that :-)

I thought the one good way to entertain the kids woud be doing a baking project. Maggie loves chocolate cake so that was what we did.
She even came dressed as a cook :-)
When we had to wait for the cake to cool down we took a walk with the dogs till the lake and back, and had a little chat. It turned out it will be Maggie's 9th birthday on Wednesday, March 1st! So, then the cake transformed into a Birthday cake.
The two kids have different personalities. Luke is kind and reserved, and pretty skilled when it comes about cooking.
Maggie is a sweet and happy little girl, we had a good girls' chat together.
I really enjoyed both of them. Somehow I always enjoy more the kids than the adults. We played cards and then finished just in time the B-DAY cake.
They made my Sunday brighter! I just love them and hope to see them again for another project we might think about.