Shelties are our friends also

Over the last weekend we kept company at the house of Saranac Shelties
They are sensitive and good dogs, but extremely talkative. They bark with no reason. Yes, they bark more than JRTs! At least the Jacks bark for something they see or hear, but the Shelties bark all the time just to talk with you.
They are more handler oriented of course since they are herding dogs, who must look at you for commands. JRTs go under ground and work alone chasing the quarry they cannot see you so they must make decisions alone.
Taylor tried to boss them around when they were barking but they seemed to not mind Taylor at all. Of course Taylor was jealous when they all climbed in my lap and wanted all my attention. Taylor was like saying "Hey, guys, this is MY mommy!"
She learns pack behavior, I was surprised to see how good she was this time. It seems she slowly gets used to them and to pack behavior. She is a single child, but she does well with them. Definitely she still favors Trevor (the black and white in the below pictures).

Trevor, Kerry, Rachel, Jonie
& Taylor


Old Grover is still hanging on very well.....