The maximum today is 25F and tomorrow will be a max of 18F. With the wind shield it feels like 1F! The lake is frozen, only at the Marina where is deep and the geese hibernate there is still open water. Last year we had ice on the shores but it was not completely frozen. Taylor and I took a very short walk. When I took these pictures I had to enter three times back in my car and take out the batteries and warm them up, they were just not working because of very cold weather.
This is the first real very cold winter I had since 2000. God how I wish I am in Tucson now, they have a warm 66F. I thought I will get used to the cold in one round year of living in Midwest, but it seems it takes a little longer...
It would be cool if Google would make possible to post the winds also with the pictures. Till they manage that just look at the pictures below and imagine is so cold your nose is freezing and the wind blows in your face and you feel it cuts your cheeks!