Yesterday I cooked Indian food (chicken and rice) and invited my friends from India, Sunita and Siva. Siva, who graduated from SIUE in May from Computer Science helped me fix my official SIUE web page ( I am still working on it) using Dreamweaver.
At UA I used the FrontPage, uploading all my files using the Secure Shell. At that time it was so easy and I really enjoyed learning how to fix my course web page. Then I moved to SIUE where I could not use directly Front Page but I need to transfer it all using FTP
Siva and Sunita were explaining me the real basics, and since they did not have too much time Siva just started the mainframe of template for my web page. Then showed me how to use the link feature between the pages. Sunita learned the basics about Dreamweaver from Siva but then she became better than her master since she was the webmaster for the College of Engineering. Very smart young lady :-)
After they left I told myself is better to try just a page to make sure I got all correctly and not forget till in the morning what Siva showed me.
It's interesting that all of us when we become masters in a domain we forget how really hard was to learn that stuff, and when we teach others we kind of skip some real basic steps, that seem to us (the experts) self explanatory, but for the novice they are essential steps to know.
Also those of us who learn a skill that becomes "old" once we use it, we have a hard time in learning new stuff when the old interferes with the new (this is called proactive interference).
So, I first messed up all that Siva worked, just because I really forgot in like 30 minutes after they left. Then since I really wanted to KNOW it I Googled it and learned and tried it out till I messed up all of it and started it all from scratch!
At 2:30AM I just gave up. But continued in the morning till... Hooray! I got it, I know the basics, and I am now able to fix my official SIUE site.
Sunita was just smiling, remembering how frustrated she was in the beginning, but technology, like any drug :-) gets one hooked.
I am glad I learned another cool skill!