She did a pretty good job staying in her x-pen the entire time I volunteered at the conformation show.
It was really hot and humid... Two days after that Taylor did nothing else but sleep. I thought she is sick or something. She was just so tired of all that excitement.
I love seeing her so happy. She recognizes already the place and of course knows her cousins' barking and she gets very excited.
They had this Fun place with a Lure Challenge really neat built, like an agility course with a lure going through the obstacles and the dog needs to chase it. Taylor loved that the most!
I hope another fun day will be soon and I will be able to take her to enjoy the crowd again.
My "fun" this week were the 30x3 paper assignments to grade by tomorrow.
I just finished grading and posting the grades on Blackboard. Tomorrow is the last day of this section. Monday I move to 1PM section. It's pretty intense and I don't have too much time for my projects, which I really hate!
I can't wait to see how the results from my two projects look like. I will see them soon since my deadline for submissions is July 1st... I predict more white nights :-)