My friends sung me "Grandma' got run over by a reindeer" and the mechanic told me "that deer really run you over, it seems she hit you not the reverse." Well, at least I feel good knowing I did not hit the deer but she hit me.
I returned the Entreprise little red Chevrolet and got from the body shop a gold color Pontiac Grand AM, here in the picture. The previous drivers were heavily smoking in the Cevy, I even could not use the heating since the smell was worse. I had to drive in the middle of winter with my window open to get some fresh air and not through up. I am allergic to smoke :-(
I miss so much my Toy now for more than two weeks in repair...
I was thinking that driving cars is like being in a relationship with a person.
Cars are like people, you get used to one and miss it when not around. I developed a relationship with my Toyota, I feel good driving it. It's part of my personality, I really love my Toyota. Driving Chevy, Ford, Pontiac, and Toyota I would not trade the Toy for another car.
They promised me the repairs will be done by the end of this week. That is great. Can't wait to feel myself again.