Boldog Uj Evet!
Bonne Année !
La Multi Ani!
This morning, the first day of the New Year 2006, going to church I was praying that God gives me a Blessed New Year. The first reading was one of my favorites: Numbers 6:24-26 "The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you , and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace."
This is the most wonderful blessing in the Bible.
At the end of mass the priest asked people to extend their hands and bless especially their spouses. A very heavy lady was next to me and smiling we looked at each other and I said "No husband :-) " and then she said "Well, I will bless you." The priest read the blessing, and after finishing the lady smiling told me "Now you will remember that you were blessed."
What other thing could I ask for the New Year?! I am blessed: to be healthy, to have my parents both in good health too, to have a home and a job, to have a little dog who keeps me smiling and happy.
I was reading my old New Year Resolutions... all have ten points, like the Top 10 things I need to look for in the coming year. Honestly I kept perhaps half. So, this year I decided to cut it half and set only five points to look for:
1. Trust God’s plans for me, and remember I am blessed!
Only through God's blessing I am who I am and where I am today!
2. Find one thing every day to be thankful for;
I have a slightly pessimistic feature. I worked so very hard to accomplish my dream. I focus so much on hard work and am "in pain" when life is so hard. Being thankful each day for something will help me see the half full of my cup, and focus on the good more than on what I miss or lack.
3. Listen to people when they talk;
I am impatient and want everything fast. I do not wait till the other person takes time to think and I jump giving my opinion. I want it all and I want it fast.
4. Don't buy things, instead save 100$/month each pay check.!
I am so broke to pay only for food; I am a pack rat that never trashes anything, I really do not need more junk! Not sure how I will save the hundred/mo. I will give it a try :-)
5. Keep eye on schedule, don't procrastinate.
This will be hard, I am working on it for many years. God help me!