Reading 8

For I was hungry and you gave me food; 
I was thirsty and you gave me drink

Matthew 25: 35

Today I volunteered at a food kitchen for serving dinner. Because of the rain only some 100 people of the usual over 200 came to eat corn, rice, and ribs as main meal (juice, milk, coffee, and packaged cookie). 
Indeed only when I think about those poor people I really am aware of the blessing that I can buy my food (even more than I need!), I can have a nice apartment to live in and am comfy and warm, I have too many clothes and shoes, and a good car to drive.

I observed the guests for dinner, most were very comfortable coming early greeting other friends at table, coming to pick up their plate. But some were rather embarrassed, not making eye contact, looking away and seeming uncomfortable when picking up their plate. I was glad they could come for seconds. It is interesting how satisfying can be to help the other (feed the hungry).

Later I watched a documentary about India (history). Seeing all those poor people and happy people made me think that poverty does not have a direct connection to happiness. One can be poor and happy (just as I was most of my life!).

 Happiness just as unhappiness comes from comparison. It only depends what is the anchor point. Comparing own status to poor or rich can get us happy or envious, without even changing anything! 

But why did Jesus say to feed the poor, give drink to the thirsty, clothes the naked, visit the sick, and go to see the prisoner?  It definitely was to help us understand what we have and appreciate it!