When we were at the cleaning off the table and happened that all of us were in the kitchen - except Taylor! - the little trouble maker jumped up and swallowed (I think in one or two bites) the entire butter stick. By the time I turned back for the other load of dirty dishes the butter was gone...
Of course by midnight Taylor threw up and rushed out in the back yard with a bad stomach, and by morning both of us had fever and felt awful.
Taylor did not even want to go out of the house just sleeps on the couch all morning and afternoon. I feel like with a flu without the runny nose all the rest of symptoms are present.
So, we spent half of Saturday in bed.... Taylor is still sick not moving from under the blanket, she will get some rice and cottage cheese when she will be hungry.
I took flu medication, and feel stiff and painful all over.
So bad since outside just got warm up to 40F and sunny, such a good day for walks but Taylor is not interested and all my body aches.