sick by B-Day....

Last evening my neighbor Sandy invited us over for a chicken soup for my birthday (one year older than last year).... and because I felt like coming down with a cold and chicken soup helps.
When we were at the cleaning off the table and happened that all of us were in the kitchen - except Taylor! - the little trouble maker jumped up and swallowed (I think in one or two bites) the entire butter stick. By the time I turned back for the other load of dirty dishes the butter was gone...

Of course by midnight Taylor threw up and rushed out in the back yard with a bad stomach, and by morning both of us had fever and felt awful.
Taylor did not even want to go out of the house just sleeps on the couch all morning and afternoon. I feel like with a flu without the runny nose all the rest of symptoms are present.

So, we spent half of Saturday in bed.... Taylor is still sick not moving from under the blanket, she will get some rice and cottage cheese when she will be hungry.
I took flu medication, and feel stiff and painful all over.

So bad since outside just got warm up to 40F and sunny, such a good day for walks but Taylor is not interested and all my body aches.

Taylor day

4 years old

Toys from Mama and treats from Sharon and Scout

2008 is a Happy New Year!

I hope it is the wind of change for a very Happy Year of 2008!
... and also today January 10th, 2008 is a very happy day!
I have in my hand, delivered today in my mailbox, my Green Card.
I am a Permanent Resident of the United States of America!
I am SO VERY happy!
Taylor too :-)
Thank you U.S.A.!

Nagyon boldog vagyok mert a Zold Kartyam megjott ma Januar 10, 2008!
Taylor is nagyon boldog :-)

Vegre egy lepessel kozzelebb hogy Amerikaiak legyunk.
Koszonom Amerika!

Mare bucurie mare: azi 10 Ianuarie 2008 am primit Cartea Verde.
Un pas mai aproape de implinirea visurilor.
Taylor se bucura si ea :-)

America tara visurilor implinite!
Multumesc U.S.A.!



We are back from Buffalo, NY area (Middleport - Medina - East Amherst) where we have spent two weeks of vacation visiting friends. It was a great vacation, but we are glad to be home (Taylor sleeps non stop in the last two days).

Taylor wanted to meet Betsy (Sharon's cat), of course with no success (but got so excited and hyper that she ended up by having a seizure and I got a big scare that my dog will die in my arms). I enjoyed spending time with Sharon and her Mom and sister. It is always so good to see again dear friends.

Taylor was very interested in all the cookies baking in the oven and wanted to help everyone in all tasks (not always welcomed to do that).

We spent Christmas at Maxwell house. Betty (Merry Maxwell's mother) is doing great at her 96 years quite enjoying church, spending time with family, and opening Christmas gifts. She really looks great for 96! - see picture below with Jim.

Jim had an emergency eye surgery the day we were on our way to their place (detached retina), spent a week with face down parallel to the floor. Not the best way to spend Christmas but now is doing great again.

We also got to meet Maizey (Maxwell) a very coper color Golden Retriever who loves playing with Taylor.

We also met Aimee Mary Ann Veres' s little mutt dog (there is some terrier in her), she crossed the Ocean coming when Mary Ann was in Hungary. Aimee and Taylor were fighting for leadership a couple of times... :-)

New year starts with new hopes and thoughts and wishes of best!

Cookies being baked?

Betty and Jim

Taylor waiting under the Christmas tree....

