long absence after very short summer :-)
It was alike a marathon.
Semester ended, I took a short trip to Romania to visit my parents, and then got back to teach three summer courses. With the courses ending I tried to catch up with the work left behind and clean my house (stage my house).
Getting ready to start a new semester which already started August 25th.
My parents now have Internet!!!!
So, we can use the Yahoo messenger --- will go thru a phase where I am the Customer Service representative on the phone directing Mom in front of her computer to be able to see and hear me via Yahoo Messenger (wonder when Google will do something attached to Gmail and Blogger?).
We will get there!
They are frustrated since it is slow and don't know how to handle it and.... forget from one talk to the next what they did before to start and connect. We will get there!..... be the Olympics and hear the Anthem in our honor
This is a cool way of singing the American National Anthem:
IME 106
I take care of student teams' blogs and Newsletters.
Some are very good, some not so... but considering they are just in first year of college they seem to be more technical than education students.
I forgot to post on Blackboard the instructions to "how to create a blog" -- but I did tell them in class that each team will need to create one on blogger. The IME 106 students did not ask about the instructions when after posting my Announcement that I am waiting for their e-mail with the team's blog address. They figured it out :-)
We are now at the end of the semester and teams completed their Newsletter (each 4 teams presented their Newsletter on a project).
Here are some jokes on engineers that I really liked, and some I found myself :-)
1) To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty. To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be. (this is my favorite)
2) You might be an engineer if you have no life and can prove it mathematically.
3) You might be an engineer if you consider a non-science course easy. (No wonder my courses are perceived by the Education students as being way too hard).
Five surgeons were taking a coffee break.
The first surgeon said:
"Accountants are the best to operate on because when you open them up, everything inside is numbered."
The second surgeon said:
"Nah, librarians are the best. Everything inside them is in alphabetical order."
The third surgeon responded:
"Try electricians, man! Everything inside them is color coded."
Then the fourth doctor interceded:
"I prefer lawyers. They're heartless, spineless, gutless and their heads and their butts are interchangeable."
To which the fifth surgeon, who had been quietly listening to the conversation, replied:
"I like engineers. They always understand when you have a few parts left over at the end."
Vince is with God.....
Vince died in sleep, and now is with God.
I hope I will meet him (and all my pets) when I go to our eternal Home.
I am sure the Heaven must have all our lost pets waiting for us with wagging tails.
I will not see Vince anymore in this life.....
One day Taylor will follow him, and all my lost pets. I dread that day, and now I take one day at a time. I tell myself that Vince had the death I dream about, dying in sleep, really passing away.
May he rest in peace and happiness, where there is no pain but only eternal joy, and bounty of treats and LOVE.

AERA conference in NY
The AERA conference 2008 in NY was a week long and I was in Times Square at the Marriott Marquis...
This is the view from the window of my room at the Marriott
In the middle of NY cabs and cars horning people walking, music and noise, a horse like descending from another time....
Times Square was a daily walk (mostly walk between the hotels that hosted the AERA conference). I could name this living one week in Times Square.
I am so very tired. One week at AERA. I am not sure if people are getting better at giving titles to their works or getting worse doing their work, or that I did not choose the right sessions?
At AERA I made myself busy. Lots of business meetings.
I attended a couple of sessions, but was not as impressed as last year....
Hope others don't say the same thing about our work which I presented Friday at noon then got my luggage and jumped into a shuttle bus just to spend the next two hours in traffic jam towards JFK (It really took us 2 hours and 10 minutes to get there from Times Square).
I was glad to see my dear friends:
Sarah Bonner who actually lives in NY (she is a Queens!) and is at Hunter College
Jonathan Schwartz my friend now at U of Hawaii at O'Ahu who flu across the Pacific and US to be in Big Apple
Sarah and I met with Jerry D'Agostino (our former Assessment and Measurements prof at UA) who now is at the Ohio State University.
We took the subway, visited Museum of Natural science, got to see Hunter College, then we went to downtown and walked a bit on Madison Ave.
After the two hour shuttle bus drive to the JFK, we could see from the plane the sunset beautiful.
Next to me was sitting a 14 years old student from South Coreea who studies abroad. I understand it is not at all uncommon to have students as young as fifth grade to be sent abroad to study in English.
The company that his parents use for his education gave them a spring break trip to NY, visiting the attraction points and of course the prestigious universities. Harry dreams to get in MIT, and I am sure he will!
He asked me why I was in NY and upon telling him that I was at an education conference and did not see all those interest points he visited he asked me what kind of conference and what are people doing there. I tried my best to explain him but he was so very curious that I ended up on teaching him a two hour class in introductory in statistics (talking about mean, median, mode, normal curve and t-test) when we got to the t-test he had some trouble :-)
Of course this is college level topic and he is in eight grade now.
The most interesting and beautiful was that he always asked me more and more and at times he said: "Now let me guess" and he was trying to make sense and really think about the next step and using amazingly logical thinking.
This was the best class I ever taught and he said that this was the best class he ever got!
I was pleasantly surprised to have Harry understanding the basics of the normal curve and regression to the mean, a topic most college students have some problems.
I promised I will send him a book.
We then showed each other the pictures we took in NY. His were better than mine and we promised to e-mail and exchange pictures. So, keep checking back and I'll post his pictures with statue of Liberty and United Nations and some college campuses.
His camera run out of battery and asked me to take a picture of him with his brand new hat, and asked me to let him take a picture of me with the hat as well (I guess was like a friendship exchange or recognition that I taught him interesting things :-))
Spring break
Everyone was very good behaved, no problems at all!
In sunny days they love to stay close to the window and warm up. Max & Morgan like to take the stuffing out of toys; Taylor learned this fun game as well. Taylor and Morgan also like to make a big mess with torn apart toys.
Snow in March
Mostly melted by tonight.
I am really looking forward to Spring!
Spring break is next week.
Snow day
SIUE has another close for inclement weather (I know those in Buffalo and Michigan will laugh).
In our home flowers are blooming, Taylor watches the snow only from the window, and outside is gloomy and snow flurries are still adding up to the white cover.
Have fun
Which sports car are you?
I am this one :-)
Just what I love the most and dream to have one day...... Red Corvette!

Window Sun bath
She slept a good hour with her buddy guarding over her, but then once she woke up she did not want to share with her buddy the little chew stick :-)
Snow is melting today but next week we expect again snow storms and below freezing temperatures.
I am so tried of this winter and waiting for the Spring and warmer temps.
Let it snow
Taylor was tracking the squirrels' foot prints but always found the way out from the snow that was higher than her belly :-)
Sunny Groundhog day means winter will stay!
sick by B-Day....
When we were at the cleaning off the table and happened that all of us were in the kitchen - except Taylor! - the little trouble maker jumped up and swallowed (I think in one or two bites) the entire butter stick. By the time I turned back for the other load of dirty dishes the butter was gone...
Of course by midnight Taylor threw up and rushed out in the back yard with a bad stomach, and by morning both of us had fever and felt awful.
Taylor did not even want to go out of the house just sleeps on the couch all morning and afternoon. I feel like with a flu without the runny nose all the rest of symptoms are present.
So, we spent half of Saturday in bed.... Taylor is still sick not moving from under the blanket, she will get some rice and cottage cheese when she will be hungry.
I took flu medication, and feel stiff and painful all over.
So bad since outside just got warm up to 40F and sunny, such a good day for walks but Taylor is not interested and all my body aches.
2008 is a Happy New Year!
... and also today January 10th, 2008 is a very happy day!
I have in my hand, delivered today in my mailbox, my Green Card.
I am a Permanent Resident of the United States of America!
I am SO VERY happy!
Taylor too :-)
Thank you U.S.A.!
Nagyon boldog vagyok mert a Zold Kartyam megjott ma Januar 10, 2008!
Taylor is nagyon boldog :-)
Vegre egy lepessel kozzelebb hogy Amerikaiak legyunk.
Koszonom Amerika!
Mare bucurie mare: azi 10 Ianuarie 2008 am primit Cartea Verde.
Un pas mai aproape de implinirea visurilor.
Taylor se bucura si ea :-)
America tara visurilor implinite!
Multumesc U.S.A.!
Taylor wanted to meet Betsy (Sharon's cat), of course with no success (but got so excited and hyper that she ended up by having a seizure and I got a big scare that my dog will die in my arms). I enjoyed spending time with Sharon and her Mom and sister. It is always so good to see again dear friends.
Taylor was very interested in all the cookies baking in the oven and wanted to help everyone in all tasks (not always welcomed to do that).
We spent Christmas at Maxwell house. Betty (Merry Maxwell's mother) is doing great at her 96 years quite enjoying church, spending time with family, and opening Christmas gifts. She really looks great for 96! - see picture below with Jim.
Jim had an emergency eye surgery the day we were on our way to their place (detached retina), spent a week with face down parallel to the floor. Not the best way to spend Christmas but now is doing great again.
We also got to meet Maizey (Maxwell) a very coper color Golden Retriever who loves playing with Taylor.
We also met Aimee Mary Ann Veres' s little mutt dog (there is some terrier in her), she crossed the Ocean coming when Mary Ann was in Hungary. Aimee and Taylor were fighting for leadership a couple of times... :-)
New year starts with new hopes and thoughts and wishes of best!