Vacation company :-)

Max and Morgan were our company since Thursday.
Morgan (the brown bigger one) felt like home, he and Taylor had so much fun. They played, they slept together, and guarded the yard.

Max (the small white and black) was Momma's boy. He was in my lap and did not roam around with the other two. Taylor loved the company, they are really good boys.
I discovered how bossy is little Taylor. She was on her grounds. Her house, her Mom, her toys, her yard :-)

Morgan felt like he lived here forever, he had no adjustment problems and loved playing with Taylor. Max loved sleeping in my lap :-)

Their Mom picked them up today and now Taylor is taking a good nap, kind of lonely, as usual after our company is gone. She is a little lonely, a little sad, she will miss them a day or two then she'll forget....

For Taylor was a great vacation, and I'll hopefully finish today grading my students' midterms.



Taylor & Morgan

...the bunny is mine! No, it's mine!