This picture above is like a carbon copy of the one I took after the tornado we had this past summer. The difference is that now we had a winter storm. Ice was falling like little spikes yesterday afternoon. Shortly turned all into the Land of Ice. By 5PM all was frozen and the sharp wind was blowing and ripping branches. Shortly after midnight the power went off - and right away I thought of how I forgot to turn on my fire place because once I don't have power I won't be able to turn it on... Over night the house got cold.
Morning was bright and frozen with all the damages visible. Lots of ice. Lots of broken trees, the damage on trees is worse than after the tornado last summer, much worse here in my neighborhood. Incredible scene of mixture between fairy tale and catastrophe. Right when my house got down to 54F by 11AM the power came on, and the heating and all other appliances kicked in. I have to admit that winter storm is even worse than the summer tornado.
My little brand new trees have 1 inch of ice on their little branches, couple of branches broken. The ice covered completely the entire tree and the branches are like frozen veins that do not have enough power to keep the branches lifted up. I tried to break the ice from some weak and damaged little branches. Not sure it will help.
The thermometer is frozen since last night, preserving in time the temperature like a memory under the shield of ice.