I loved to be in warm weather, with small bushy like vegetation, and to meet again my friend I did not see in three years. Even though I have spent all day at the conference I did enjoy the driving from Austin to Balcones Spring where the conference took place. I learned about some nice research (mostly qualitative), and enjoyed meeting with other faculty across the country.
Again I realized how much I miss the Southwest. I had the feeling that people are more talkative, bubbling of welcoming thoughts, everything seems much faster. I saw the green hills and farms with horses and cows. My childhood dream was searching for evidence in reality :-)
I also enjoyed the welcoming home of my friends, such a big house!
Then I had to get back to Illinois and 51F for the high of the day... winter is really here.
My friends still enjoy mild temperatures of the fall and need no heating yet in their big home.