It is not the easiest thing I ever learned but it really makes so much sense to me.
I LOVE it!
It gives me such a feeling of accomplishment when I write my short program assignments and I test and use them. This is so cool.
I think it uses so well my knowledge as an engineer and psychologist. All is so logical, technical, but in the same time needs to be esthetic and smart :-)
It is my private time, my relaxation, and new hobby.
School otherwise is very crazy. Lots of classes to teach, I could not start yet my research since elementary school teachers in Alton just started school and are in strike. So, I do not know what will be. I am sure the things will get settled and I can start full power to do research with young kids. That should be fun also :-)
It seems I am very packed but I have lots of fun with what I do!