Mostly listening fragments of the movie I remembered this picture on that web page I presented earlier this year Lost puppy liar. It is a guy in Canada designing these interesting pictures. Now, I don't like as much the picture as the message, and I think the guy intended to send a message, as the movie's message behind the scenes, in the real world.
Why do I remember this particular picture listening in the background to the movie? I think when I first saw "Pretty woman" I was looking too intense to the actors and what they are doing, what is happening, and I was mesmerized by the Happy End - I did not think about the real story behind... Today I try hard to fix this article, going over and over again and changing, fixing, and remodeling words; I feel frustration, pain, and fear that I will miss something essential. So, this time around I somehow could hear (from the fragments I paid attention to) what is the message behind the actors' words. She is a prostitute, even if we are mesmerized by Julia Robers, she does play a prostitute... and we all know the reality is far from being such a happy ending as is in this movie.
I think it is much pain, frustration, and fear (yes, fear - this is why I remembered this picture).
Those girls are sex objects, they are not loved, not one of the men cares about how those girls feel, what they like, what they dream about. They are looked at like objects whith what one can play with and then trash, they are only the puppets... I believe in reality those girls carry lots of fear.