Conclusion: I decided I will make myself a gift at the end of scholar year, a "graduation" gift of my first year as Assistant Prof .
Since I decided I cannot afford to fly this summer to Europe (the tickets and entire trip being way too expensive for my present budget), and I will teach all summer long, I need a new toy :-)
Perhaps many would be surprised to find a woman making herself a "male" gift. This is the stereotype that men will buy for themselves electronics, tools, or cars. Perhaps that is why I never got married... I dream that Mr. Right will buy me a red Corvette, or a Harley-Davidson, or a professional camera, a plasma TV home theater, a Palm Pilot for Christmas :-) Hey, this is on my Christmas wish list, why does it bother you?
Since I did not meet yet Mr. Right, I decided to buy for myself a Palm Tungsten this summer (oh by the way, my gift subscription ended in mid March, but I did not use it but 4-5 times in the three months I had it. Lack of time, or lack of interest?). I consider the palm pilot a wise and very useful investment, and fun also! I am very excited of the new toy. Over the summer I will have more time to play with it.