For the New Year

Lord God of Universe
Bless me
Deliver me for worries and lukewarm indecisions
Protect me from harm, sadness, and pain
Fill my soul with joy
Give me wisdom
Give me strength
   And peace of mind. 
May your hand be always above me
   And your face shine upon me
All the days of my life. 

giving and receiving

"Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure-pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return."

Luke 6:38 

I think giving and making gifts can be just as a disease as the shopping addiction.
Some people go shopping when they feel bad, sad, down, depressed, or too lonely, or completely bored.

Giving can be just as a strong impulse. Difficult to control, slippery slope. 
I noticed that I cannot refrain myself to know that a friend would need something, or like something but cannot afford to have, or just to know that some item might bring joy to someone else. Making someone be happy reflects happiness and one can feed on it. 

I once read somewhere that giving creates more pleasure than receiving. And indeed it takes a lot of strength and courage to be at the end of receiving. And if anyone would know I know that, since I was for many years at the end of graciously and thankfully receiving.
I think it might be that time making me to give now even if are times when I should not afford and refrain myself. It is because I know exactly how thankful one can be when receiving.