A new scholar year started. Our RPI campus is like a bee hive. Is so exciting and refreshing to see the students with backpacks full of books and laptops. I volunteered at the laptop distribution. Each student receives a laptop and backpack assorted.
Faculty came back to campus, got ready their syllabus, met the new class of students, and set up the Fall 09 schedules.
I REALLY miss the excitement of the first week of classes, I miss meeting with students, learning new names and faces, explaining the syllabus, setting up teams, starting a new adventure on the planet of Knowledge.
I think I missed my call, I thought I don't like teaching, but I definitely do. Yes, there were some struggles, but here at RPI I know what was not going well. I was teaching to another audience. My teaching style would be perfect here for the students who are competitive and are used to working hard and at fast pace. There are some junior courses that are much more difficult and demand more than my graduate courses did (and my students were complaining I ask too much!). I would love to teach to this audience of students.
Is odd to not have a class, to not meet my class of students.
And since I miss so much school, I am taking (!) a course in Acess-Excel. I never took a course in Excel so here it is the opportunity. I might not have the time to do everything is required, then I will be gone to a workshop and later a conference, so I will miss some classes. But at least I will be involved (in some way) in the teaching-learning process.
I miss teaching!