I think I am not the only one who feels disgust in what concerns the top news on the NFL player Michael Vick:
"RICHMOND, Virginia (CNN) -- Suspended NFL quarterback Michael Vick will find out in December what prison sentence -- if any -- he will face after a judge accepted his plea agreement Monday to a federal dogfighting conspiracy charge."
Then I see on TV the interview with Joe Profit the NFL Alumni president in Atlanta, who states that Michael Vick should be given a second chance and continue to play football, as other NPR listeners say that dog fighting has nothing to do with playing football and he should not be punished from playing just because he killed some dogs.....
He not only killed, but organized, played, killed, mutilated dogs and most of all enjoyed all the process!
"In criminal dogfighting operations, dogs are usually tested for aggression, fighting ability and continuing to fight when hurt. Those that don't perform well -- and might become acceptable pets -- are killed. Vick and his cohorts executed dogs that didn't measure up by hanging and drowning. [] Federal prosecutors filed court documents last month to condemn 53 pit bulls seized as part of the investigation into dogfighting on Vick's property." - read more
I know many people consider dogs, just some worthless animals and far from being something to worry about dog fighting and dog killing.
I am just surprised that all these celebrities can get along with no or very little punishment for the bad things they commit. Killing, mutilating, and torturing dogs or any other animals that cannot defend themselves should be punished with maximum seriousness. What does this tell to the young generation? What does it teach to those boys who watch football, and watch the wrestling channel (and dream about being a brute!)? How do we teach the next generation to be kind and considerate in what concerns the Earth and all living beings... What would be the punishment if instead of a celebrity Michael Vick would be just any person from suburbs?
All the celebrities that receive forgiveness just because they are admired....
This leaves me with a bitter taste and reminds me of the communists who were above the laws that were oppressing us the rest of the world.
Personally I believe that Michael Vick should be punished just as if it would be any average common person. He might be a great player, he screwed up, he must pay as anyone else would.
Travel with Taylor
Taylor is a very good traveler. She is sleeping a lot, but at times she likes to watch the scenery on the window...
twin mountains over the Ocean
On my way to Tucson Iulie 10, 2007, I-25 to Albuquerque, NM
Mountain that looks like Magura Uroiului

Mountain that looks like Magura Uroiului
Host Parent with two girls
Tonight I picked up Niharika and we went to the International Student Host Parent reception at SIUE. Niharika told me that she has met at the student orientation a girl who is from Romania.
So, it was soon that once there Anca Costea was introduced by Niharika.
Anca is from the East part of the country, Buhusi, Bacau region, in Moldova (right opposite from where I life in the West part of Transylvania).
It was very nice to be able to talk again in my home town language. Also is good for Anca to have someone here sharing the same culture and not feel alone.
Now I have two girls, I hope we can organize some fun times even if school is at the horizon, and I know they and I will be busy once semester comes rolling like a thunder.

Marea mi-a fost surpriza sa o cunosc in seara asta pe Anca si sa vorbim Romaneste si sa povestim. Ea a venit aici ca studenta la masterat dupa ce a terminat facultatea in Bulgaria.
Nu e prima oara aici in State asa ca nu e chiar asa de nou totul. Acum am doua fete la care sunt gazda de familie pe termenul lor de studentie. Sper ca o sa avem timp si de distractie nu doar de scoala o data ce incep cursurile (luni, August 20 deja incepe scoala).
Sambata merg cu Anca la cumparaturi a venit doar de o saptamana si mai are nevoie de una alta. Dar eu maine si vineri am tot felul de sedinte la scoala.
Ce mic este Pamantul :-) Din toate scolile din America numai SIUE a fost cea care se potrivea cel mai bine pentru Anca, si eu am fost aici ...
So, it was soon that once there Anca Costea was introduced by Niharika.
Anca is from the East part of the country, Buhusi, Bacau region, in Moldova (right opposite from where I life in the West part of Transylvania).
It was very nice to be able to talk again in my home town language. Also is good for Anca to have someone here sharing the same culture and not feel alone.
Now I have two girls, I hope we can organize some fun times even if school is at the horizon, and I know they and I will be busy once semester comes rolling like a thunder.
Zs -Anca

Zs - Niharika
Marea mi-a fost surpriza sa o cunosc in seara asta pe Anca si sa vorbim Romaneste si sa povestim. Ea a venit aici ca studenta la masterat dupa ce a terminat facultatea in Bulgaria.
Nu e prima oara aici in State asa ca nu e chiar asa de nou totul. Acum am doua fete la care sunt gazda de familie pe termenul lor de studentie. Sper ca o sa avem timp si de distractie nu doar de scoala o data ce incep cursurile (luni, August 20 deja incepe scoala).
Sambata merg cu Anca la cumparaturi a venit doar de o saptamana si mai are nevoie de una alta. Dar eu maine si vineri am tot felul de sedinte la scoala.
Ce mic este Pamantul :-) Din toate scolile din America numai SIUE a fost cea care se potrivea cel mai bine pentru Anca, si eu am fost aici ...
Paul, Andrew & JoAnne's B-Day
Yesterday we drove up to Chicago to see Andrew who is just two weeks old and Paul now one year old. They are the little sons of my friend Ramona.
The boys are very cute and Paul already is getting in constant trouble.
I gave Taylor water and of course Paul turned down side up the bowl :-) but he enjoyed walking Taylor and talking to her "woo woo ooo"
It seems they understand well each other :-)

Today we celebrate JoAnne's Birthday big 75 :-)
So, I made for her a real home made cake with coconut and vanilla filling.

The boys are very cute and Paul already is getting in constant trouble.
I gave Taylor water and of course Paul turned down side up the bowl :-) but he enjoyed walking Taylor and talking to her "woo woo ooo"
It seems they understand well each other :-)

Today we celebrate JoAnne's Birthday big 75 :-)
So, I made for her a real home made cake with coconut and vanilla filling.
Happy Birthday JoAnne!!!
The Arch
I volunteered to be Host Parent for a student from India, her name is Niharika. She is in fact sister with my former GA, arrived two weeks ago to SIUE.
I took today Niharika to the Arch early in the morning to beat the heat.
It is quite impressive to be close... of course only from a distance will the entire Arch fit into the picture :-)

From above thru tinny windows just a little larger than an airplane's windows one can see the city of Saint Louis, on one side, and the plains and Mississippi river on the other side.
The famous Busch Stadium - rebuilt brand new last year - can be seen as well.

The little cabins are like small space capsules with five little chairs, the system is on chains and cable. Pretty impressive and beautiful construction!
Here some facts (from the official web site):
The Arch is the tallest national monument in the United States at 630 feet; it is the city's best known landmark and a popular tourist attraction.
Construction began February 12, 1963 and the last section of the Arch was put into place on October 28, 1965.
The Arch is a structure known as a catenary curve, the shape a free-hanging chain takes when held at both ends, and considered the most structurally-sound arch shape. The span of the Arch legs at ground level is 630 feet, the same as its height.
The Arch weighs 17,246 tons. Nine hundred tons of stainless steel was used to build the Arch, more than any other project in history.
The Arch was built at a cost of $13 million. The transportation system was built at a cost of $3,500,000.
The Arch sways a maximum of 18" (9" each way) in a 150 mph wind. The usual sway is 1/2".
I took today Niharika to the Arch early in the morning to beat the heat.
It is quite impressive to be close... of course only from a distance will the entire Arch fit into the picture :-)
The Arch is the tallest national monument in the United States at 630 feet; it is the city's best known landmark and a popular tourist attraction.
Construction began February 12, 1963 and the last section of the Arch was put into place on October 28, 1965.
The Arch is a structure known as a catenary curve, the shape a free-hanging chain takes when held at both ends, and considered the most structurally-sound arch shape. The span of the Arch legs at ground level is 630 feet, the same as its height.
The Arch weighs 17,246 tons. Nine hundred tons of stainless steel was used to build the Arch, more than any other project in history.
The Arch was built at a cost of $13 million. The transportation system was built at a cost of $3,500,000.
The Arch sways a maximum of 18" (9" each way) in a 150 mph wind. The usual sway is 1/2".
Summer vacation 2007
July was our summer vacation.
Despite what most would think as completely crazy we did go to Tucson, AZ in July!
Yes, it was hot, but a dry heat, then later the monsoon came with great thunder storms and rain, humidity which is not as bad as today's 100F with 35% humidity and feels like Hell.
It took us three days to get to Tucson going via Kansas-Colorado Springs, CO -Albuquerque, NM; for a total of 1695Ml.
Below the story in pictures....

We crossed Kansas flat as a tortilla, and after a 15 hours drive and thinking I am on the top of the Earth skin head we got to Colorado Springs, CO. Taylor is a great traveler, she sleeps a lot, watches the road, and enjoys the Rest areas with flowers and grass.

Once we arrived in Tucson a bad news disturbed our joy: Ingrid's Dad Mr. Rob Zwickey had a massive stroke and ended up in the hospital and is slowly recuperating at SouthHealth with speech, physical, and occupational therapy.
We met Ms. Anna, Ingrid's and in the old days my neighbor and had our traditional visit to Sweet Tomatoes and one more home cooked dinner at Ms. Anna. Taylor knew right away how to run to Ms. Anna's door and was ecstatic seeing her again and checking her back yard with quick sniffs :-)
Taylor remembered all the neighborhood walks even if she was not really fond of the big heat... Then we have met our friends Scout and Siegfried and their Mom Sharon, and we have met new friend Mac - Chihuahua boy- and his parents :-) in the Lambert park...
Helped Jonathan my friend move to University of Hawaii West O'ahu
I was glad to be there the last day when Jonathan moved away from our "home town" since he moved me here at SIUE. Good timing in this vacation!
Good luck Jonathan!!!
Visited my home school U of A and got some new UA brand items :-)

The focal point was the Lambert park close to Ingrid's home since they have green grass and ... sprinklers :-)
The big heat and travel and excitement kept us be sleepy and there were even days when we took a short mid day nap...
I have met with Dr. Sabers, Dr. Streitmatter, Dr. Rosser , my advisors and teachers. Met with Toni and Mary in the Ed Psy department Administrative office. Also with Mrs. Karoleen our retired Administrative assistant who organized for us every Thanksgiving the International Thanksgiving and fostered us through our study years.

Taylor didn't want to bring disgrace on her hunting breed, so she caught a little dove :-(
Which of course did not want to give away...
Pool at Sharon's house was the major attraction. Taylor and Scout played "Pirates of the Southwest"

Scout is as sweet as ever but time goes and leaves marks on his eyebrows and ears... better said takes away the black color and leaves... white....

Siegfried is also whiter than two years ago, still proud "His Highness"

Our freinds Mowgly, Sue, and Dan are well, but time passed on Mowgly as well and he does not chase Taylor anymore. Taylor did not understand why...

Coming back we took via Oklahoma City, OK and saw a huge cross ...

As when we went at return we started each day at 6AM to beat the heat... gorgeous Sun rise every day. Via Oklahoma City, OK in three days we came 1519 ML.
Once home we were hit by the humidity, but very glad to meet again the farmer at the corner of the road and buy peaches, pepper, tomatoes, squash, and egg plant. The summer traditional dish tasted very good with all home grown organic produce.

Taylor was glad to meet again the squirrels and bunnies in the neighborhood :-)
We hate the humidity which is worse than the entire monsoon season in Tucson. The air conditioner started this morning at 7AM and did not stop since, the temperature in the house cannot go lower than 80F, but my neighbors told me their AC cannot keep up either, in their home is 81F even if the temps are set to low 74F. The weather prognosis for the rest of this week is up to 100F with heat index 112F and head advisory.
I did not mow the lawn in the hope the grass keeps shade to itself.
One of my Maple trees dried out, looks like late fall with all leaves completely burned brown; the lower branches are still flexible and Dad says "it will come back next Spring, just keep watering it".... I really hope Dad is right!
Despite what most would think as completely crazy we did go to Tucson, AZ in July!
Yes, it was hot, but a dry heat, then later the monsoon came with great thunder storms and rain, humidity which is not as bad as today's 100F with 35% humidity and feels like Hell.
It took us three days to get to Tucson going via Kansas-Colorado Springs, CO -Albuquerque, NM; for a total of 1695Ml.
Below the story in pictures....
We crossed Kansas flat as a tortilla, and after a 15 hours drive and thinking I am on the top of the Earth skin head we got to Colorado Springs, CO. Taylor is a great traveler, she sleeps a lot, watches the road, and enjoys the Rest areas with flowers and grass.
I was glad to be there the last day when Jonathan moved away from our "home town" since he moved me here at SIUE. Good timing in this vacation!
Good luck Jonathan!!!
The focal point was the Lambert park close to Ingrid's home since they have green grass and ... sprinklers :-)
Taylor didn't want to bring disgrace on her hunting breed, so she caught a little dove :-(
Which of course did not want to give away...
Scout is as sweet as ever but time goes and leaves marks on his eyebrows and ears... better said takes away the black color and leaves... white....
Siegfried is also whiter than two years ago, still proud "His Highness"
Our freinds Mowgly, Sue, and Dan are well, but time passed on Mowgly as well and he does not chase Taylor anymore. Taylor did not understand why...
Coming back we took via Oklahoma City, OK and saw a huge cross ...
As when we went at return we started each day at 6AM to beat the heat... gorgeous Sun rise every day. Via Oklahoma City, OK in three days we came 1519 ML.
Taylor was glad to meet again the squirrels and bunnies in the neighborhood :-)
We hate the humidity which is worse than the entire monsoon season in Tucson. The air conditioner started this morning at 7AM and did not stop since, the temperature in the house cannot go lower than 80F, but my neighbors told me their AC cannot keep up either, in their home is 81F even if the temps are set to low 74F. The weather prognosis for the rest of this week is up to 100F with heat index 112F and head advisory.
I did not mow the lawn in the hope the grass keeps shade to itself.
One of my Maple trees dried out, looks like late fall with all leaves completely burned brown; the lower branches are still flexible and Dad says "it will come back next Spring, just keep watering it".... I really hope Dad is right!
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